Monday, 10 February 2014

Mexican Christmas!

It is very strange experiencing the Christmas build-up in a tropical climate. Normally in the weeks leading up to Christmas I am wrapped up as much as possible whenever I leave the house, and eating as much hot and stodgy food as possible. Christmas adverts go on air sometime towards the end of October and Christmas becomes pretty much the only thing people talk about from the beginning of December onwards. Here in Calakmul the experience has been very different - which I guess is not going to come as a surprise to anyone! It is very weird hearing Christmas songs when you 're sunbathing in 30 degree heat. And the build up is much less commercialised - it is not the centre of everyone's universe in the weeks or even days leading up to it. However some things never change wherever you are - and the kids were getting just as excited here about the imminent arrival of Santa then they do in England! We've had some really fun classes spent learning Christmas songs and making Christmas cards. Finally enough, the typical Christmassy symbols are the same here as they are in England, so they all covered their cards in snow men - despite the fact that none of them have ever seen snow in real life.
I spent the actual festive period in Merida, which is a really lovely old colonial city towards the north of the Yucatan peninsula. The big meal here is on the 24th, and I spent it at the home of a Uruguayan family. There were about 20 guests and enough food for about 100 - Turkey, beef, lamb  to name but some of the meats on the spread! Uruguayans have a specific way of cooking meat - kind of very gentle barbecuing - and it was absolutely delicious. All washed down with plenty of noche buena beer - which literally translates as Christmas Eve beer.
The 25th itself is generally a slightly more laid-back affair. I spent it on the beach and my Christmas meal was cerviche with tortilla chips. Again, it marks a departure from what I'm used to but it made for a very nice break from the norm. New year's eve was also spent on the beach. I think I could definitely get used to spending the festive season this way!

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